Kamis, 13 Juni 2013


'This book is an excellent tool for practitioners who are interested in the merits and pitfalls of the technique.... (The author's) research is an example of inventiveness, diligence and accuracy' - Freerk A. Lootsma, Delft Institute of Technology

Data envelopment Analysis is a Mathematical Programme for measuring performance efficiency of organizational units. The organizational units, termed as decision-making units (DMU) can be of any kind: manufacturing units, a set of schools, banks, hospitals, power plants, police stations, prisons, a set of firms etc.

DEA has been unsuccessfully applied to measure the performance efficiency of these different kinds of DMUs which share a common characteristic - that they are non-profit organization where measurement of performance efficiency is difficult.

DEA has been employed for assessing the relative performance of a set of firms that use a variety of identical inputs-say in the case of a school: quality of students, teachers, grants etc.,-to produce a variety of identical outputs-number of students who pass the final year, average grades obtained by the students in the final year etc.

DEA assumes the performance of the DMUs by using the concepts of efficiency or productivity which is measured as the ratio of total outputs to total inputs. Also, the efficiencies estimated are relative to the best performing DMU or DMUs. The best performing DMU is given a score of 100% and the performance of other DMUs vary between 0 -100%.

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013


Buku ini mengkaji lebih dalam metodologi-metodologi aplikatif dan powerful yang dapat diaplikasikan bagi penelitian di bidang ekonomi Islam seperti zakat, lembaga keuangan syariah, manajemen dan bisnis syariah, ekonomi makro dan mikro. beberapa yang dikupas tuntas adalah metode Analytical Network Process (ANP), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), dan Vector Autoregression (VAR) model.

Dapatkan dan pesan bukunya sekarang juga.

BUKU: New Efficiency Theory: With Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis

New efficiency theory refers to the various parametric and semi-parametric methods of estimating production and cost frontiers, which include data envelopment analysis (DEA) with its diverse applications in management science and operations research. 

This monograph develops and generalizes the new efficiency theory by highlighting the interface between economic theory and operations research. Some of the outstanding features of this monograph are: (1) integrating the theory of firm efficiency and industry equilibrium, (2) emphasizing growth efficiency in a dynamic setting, (3) incorporating uncertainty of market demand and prices, and (4) the implications of group efficiency by sharing investments. 

Applications discuss in some detail the growth and decline of the US computer industry, and the relative performance of mutual fund portfolios.

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Fuzzy DEA

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a methodology for measuring the relative efficiencies of a set of decision making units (DMUs) that use multiple inputs to produce multiple outputs. Crisp input and output data are fundamentally indispensable in conventional DEA. 
However, the observed values of the input and output data in real-world problems are sometimes imprecise or vague. Many researchers have proposed various fuzzy methods for dealing with the imprecise and ambiguous data in DEA. 
 In this study, we provide a taxonomy and review of the fuzzy DEA methods. We present a classification scheme with four primary categories, namely, the tolerance approach, the a-level based approach, the fuzzy ranking approach and the possibility approach. We discuss each classification scheme and group the fuzzy DEA papers published in the literature over the past 20 years.